The Sprites File Format


Sprites are an important technology in game development. Since the Amiga sprite hardware expects sprite data in a specific format it is useful to arrange sprite sheet data in a format that requires no or just minimal processing after it is loaded. Therefore the RATR0 utilities generate a separate file format for Amiga sprites to help with this. In contrast to the tiles format the sprite format is specifically tailored to Amiga sprites.


Sprite Offset Data

Following the file header are num_sprites 16 bit words of offset numbers which represent the byte offsets where each sprite’s data structure starts.

Palette Data

Following the sprite offset data is a block consisting of the palette entries. These are palette_size 16 bit words containing the RGB values of each entry. Typically only the least significant 12 bits will be valid.

Sprite Data

Immediately following the palette data is the sprite data. The data is in the same format as the Amiga sprite structure: The first 2 words will contain the sprite’s height,

Word number(s)



Height of the Sprite


contains a set attachment bit if more than 4 colors


height * 2 words of actual sprite image data

last 2 words

always 0 to denote the end of the sprite structure