The ratr0-maketiles tool

This utility takes a PNG file and generates a RATR0 tiles file as specified here.

You can see the tool’s available options when you enter ratr0-maketiles -h at the command prompt:

usage: ratr0-maketiles [-h] [-ts TILE_SIZE] [-ni] [-p24] [-fd FORCE_DEPTH]
                       [-mf MASK_FILE] [-cm] [-v]
                       pngfile outfile - Amiga Image Converter

This tool converts a PNG image into a tile sheet file using parameters specified on the command line

positional arguments:
  pngfile               input PNG file
  outfile               output tile sheet file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -ts TILE_SIZE, --tile_size TILE_SIZE
                        dimension of a tile, widthxheight
  -ni, --non_interleaved
                        store data in interleaved manner
  -p24, --palette24     use a 24 bit palette instead of 12 bit
  -fd FORCE_DEPTH, --force_depth FORCE_DEPTH
                        set depth to a value greater or equal the input
                        image's value
  -mf MASK_FILE, --mask_file MASK_FILE
                        writes a preview mask file in PNG format
  -cm, --create_mask    add a mask plane to the image data
  -v, --verbose         run in verbose mode

Parameters in detail

ratr0-maketiles expects at least these 2 arguments:

  • pngfile: This is the source image file in PNG format.

  • outfile: This file will be created by the conversion tool to store the tile set in RATR0 tiles format.

In addition, you can specify the following optional arguments:

  • --tile_size or --ts: specify the size of a single tile in pixels. This takes an additional parameter of the form <width>x<height>, for example 16x16 for a set of square-shaped tiles of 16 pixels. By default the tool will specify the entire image as a single tile.

  • --non-interleaved or --ni: the tile set’s image information will be stored as non-interleaved bitplanes rather than interleaved bitplanes

  • --palette24 or -p24: The palette’s color entries will be saved as 24 bit information (r, g, b triplets with a size of 8 bit each). By default, color entries are of size 16 bit that encodes a 12 bit color triplet, 4 bit for each color component

  • --force-depth or -fd: This argument takes an additional parameter that specifies the actual number of bitplanes that will be generated in the tiles file. By this means you can force the converter into generating more bitplanes if the program requires it

  • --create_mask or -cm: Create an additional bit plane containing the bitwise “OR” of all the image bit planes. This mask plane can be used for Amiga Blitter operations with the “cookie cut”, which allows for blits that treat color 0 as transparent.

  • --mask_file or -mf: Writes a PNG file MASK_FILE that can be used to get an idea how the mask plane generated with --create_mask would look like.