The Level File Format ===================== Introduction ------------ This file format is used to specify level maps in tile-based 2D games. Specification ------------- Header ~~~~~~ ============== ============ ====================================================== Byte number(s) Name Description ============== ============ ====================================================== 0-7 ID Always ``'RATR0LVL'`` 8 version file format version 9 flags | bit 0: not set -> big endian, set -> little endian | rest: currently unused 10-11 width level width in tiles 12-13 height level height in tiles 14-15 checksum checksum of the entire file ============== ============ ====================================================== Level Data ~~~~~~~~~~ The level data immediately follows the file header. Essentially, this encodes *(width * height)* unsigned 8 bit values that are the 1-based tile number.